I will endeavour to post a little more (hopefully more than once a year eep)
So what have I been up to in the last 18 months? Wow where to begin...
Let's start at the beginning of a new uni course, I love it! I'm studying law (insert groan here) so naturally, new uni, new people, new life. More parties!
As you most likely know, I love to get my costume on so I'll put lots of photos at the bottom of some of the costumes which have come out over the year
As well as this I got a car. His name is Percy. It's a 2009 Toyota Corolla and has served me well, even after I managed to crash it - now that's something that is truly terrifying, and it wasn't even a bad crash! I aquaplaned into a barrier and took a big scrape out of the front, and twisted the bonnet. I drove off, shaken and disappointed that the coffee I'd just bought was all over the steering wheel and floor of my car.
What else...
I turned 21 last month! I had a MASSIVE two weeks of parties, presents and friends. To start it off I celebrated at the Brewery in Wollongong (definitely recommend! They have a great function area and awesome food and beers) with 80 of my closest family and friends. We all dressed to the nines, and by nines I mean in theme, and by theme I mean Comic Book and Cartoon Characters. It was great to see everyone getting in on the fun - including both of my grandmothers who looked amazing!

Also I was lucky enough to get heaps of awesome presents, including these shoes handcrafted by my gorgeous friend Alusha and I got to go skydiving courtesy of MM!

What else has happened?
I bought myself a new snowboard setup! I'm hoping to get to use it a reasonable amount, I've gotten fairly involved in the snowsports club at uni and have met some awesome people as well as having partied a bit!!

I've been doing a little bit of showing, not as much as I have in the past but as usual I went to the Royal with the Portuguese Water Dogs and we did fairly well which was great, it's always a good time

Currently I'm back doing my awesome job that is house sitting and puppy sitting, I have 6 beautiful 5 week old babies and 6 adults to look after and it's the most chilled out time ever! Only problem is they're distracting me from my exams and I have a major exam on Saturday eep!

And that's about it of the big things that have happened! I'll try and keep up my blog I promise (try being the operative word...) have some photos of my year to make up for it!

Great update, Maddison, and awesome photos!