I got in trouble the other night for not having updated my blog in so long, so here this is for you complainers... (more specifically Pinko mentioned it briefly the other night at my families farewell thingo)
It's been over a year since my last update, I'm still around doing exciting things like travelling and generally being awesome :)
In December last year I headed off with one of my brothers on a world trip. We headed to Europe and North America, doing such fun things as Contiki tours, visiting my lovely host families, an American friend who I met on exchange and snowboarding :)
Unfortunately, on our visit to my other brother in Canada I managed to cut my trip short by breaking my wrist, but as a bonus, by not being able to snowboard, I splurged and took myself dog sledding which was the most fun! We were lucky to have an incredibly clear day, some puppies on their first day out, and an extra long run because they were training for a race!! Couldn't have been luckier.
myself and two of my brothers in Canada :)
My brother and I at 80's night on Contiki

< chocolate fountain!
I went to lots of parties, and made some lovely costumes from Pirates to Ghosts and generally had a ball in that area of uni.

Over Easter my little sister Patricia from Austria came to visit me for a week, she was on exchange in Melbourne in 2010-2011, so it was awesome to see her. We took her waterskiing, took her fishing for the first time, went looking for wild kangaroos and headed to the Easter show as well as even going to the War Memorial and Gallery in Canberra so all in all an amazingly busy but fun week!
In June I got a new puppy :) his name is Sherlock and he is the most uncoordinated stupid thing, but we love him to bits anyway. He has only been to two shows as he's growing and incredibly lanky at the moment (which isn't a good look when the judge is looking for a balanced dog) I'm loving having him around, and he's lots of fun and entertainment for us.
<< him now (getting a little too big for my lap)
Sherlock & Felix when he first arrived :)
Still haven't got round to going for my P's test, it was supposed to be planned to have happened in the next few days but because my dad is lazy and won't go driving with me I'm thinking I may have to pretend my last few hours
In the middle of November I headed off with my dad on a 6 day horse ride through the Snowy Mountains, mainly doing huge 30km circuits to incredible lookouts around the areas of Yaouk and Currango. Dad held up well seeing as the last time he was on a horse we worked out was 32 years ago, for me it was only a year so I got back into the hang of it a little quicker!! After that amazing week dad did mention that we may just have to go again soon, maybe even an annual event (which I would happily do if I didn't have to fork out the money each time)
At the start of December I headed off to Sydney to my lovely best friend Alusha's house for her birthday party, and I decided that since last year I was flooded in at my house that I would make up for her 18th birthday as well which made for an entertaining night as we all got into the Nautical theme dressing up as sailors and pirates.
And finally yesterday I headed to Sydney to go with a few of my amazing friends to see Tenacious D and the Foo Fighters. Which in a word was EPIC. I had the most fun, made some friends in the huge bar line (don't you always!) and the rain didn't really come down on us which was an absolute bonus.
Currently my family is in the middle of moving house to the coast, which is really exciting.
Nothing else of consequence has happened (or it has and I've forgotten) But that's it, my life at the moment :)
Maybe I'll remember to update more... or not, bit too busy packing boxes and moving 4 hours away!
Great post, Maddison! I really like the photo of you with the sledding dog.