Back in Bathurst for my second semester of TAFE, although I only have 4 day weeks with one class a day (which is 2 or 3 hours) the workload is HUGE!! I have been working my toosh off lately, getting out of holiday mode and back into actually doing stuff.
After a week of TAFE, Mum, Grandma and I headed to the TDP Graduation in Sydney where we saw some amazingly talented singers and performers, I also decided that I would have a chat to Alan Jones at the after party. I also met Felicity Urquhart (not sure how to spell it :/ ) and a few other famous people, it was very fun!
Friday was then a trip to Dubbo on the bus (screaming two year olds on buses are no fun, especially when your ipod doesn't quite drown it out) for a weekend dog showing in the rain, sleet, wind and a generally freezing cold weekend, Felix did well getting BOB both days but no more. We also had a fundraising day for prostate cancer on Sunday where we got all dolled up (dogs included) in blue - I'm sure everyone had just as much fun as I did!!
The next week was spent as per normal in TAFE, and then on Friday, Andy and I were happily heading to GAME, when we noticed the band doing a signing in Sanity - Amy Meredith!! So as per usual I had to embarass Andy as much as I could and go introduce us :) The boys were extremely nice and we chatted for about 15 minutes before we had to head off because our lift (Jarrah) was getting impatient!!
We then chatted to the AM boys again after the gig while we waited for our lift to finish work, we were also highly entertained by the drunks... Have you ever been told to google someone? Not call, not facebook or anything... but google?? Because, and I do not lie, 'people know me' haha
As well as being told my name was much cooler than Andy's (the damn drunk wouldn't let go of my hand) and trying to read drunk sign language... it was a huge part of the entertainment for the evening!!!
That weekend was pretty lazy, took Rufus on two long walks, one by myself and the other with Andy, James, Jarrah, Jessie, and Tom, which was pretty entertaining as it was only going to be an hour long walk and ended up being four hours!!!
Then back to TAFE as per usual for this week, and Andy and I have bought tickets to see AM in Sydney in October, and are pretty excited for it!!
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